Family Patterns Matter &
Kinship Cares/Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
Partnering with Three Rivers AAA
Who We Are:
A non-profit organization that partners with Three Rivers AAA to support grandparents raising grandchildren of all ages. We provide a monthly support group, family friendly events, tutoring, advocacy and resource information as needed to ensure these families have the support they take on the responsibility of becoming a parent again.
What We Believe:
Our grandparents are a valued resource. The role of grandparent has always played a special role in a grandchild’s life. Suddenly thrust in the role of parent it does not come without problems. They are often charged with making the lives of their grandchildren better. Family values and beliefs are critically important to our concept of mending the fabric of lives and families. Sometimes those values and beliefs conflict with today’s fast paced technological society.
This growing family dynamic needs support. There is a lack of services designed to address what they are feeling.
What we Do:
- Monthly support meetings: Confidential; addressing difficulties and praising success.
- Address academic success of children: tutoring (free)
- Outside role model: Mentor program
- Advocacy: problems, issues, attend meetings and address resources needed
- Events throughout the year
- Back to school, Christmas
- Peer to peer support for children
Find help:
How you can help?
Donate, tutor, mentor